Serious and violent young offenders

What changes to the Youth Criminal Justice Act can--and can't--achieve

April 7, 2010 | by Peter Jon Mitchell , Senior Researcher, Institute of Marriage and Family Canada
PDF:  Serious and violent young offenders


  1. Read the Department of Justice new release here:
    Read Bill C-4 here:
  2. Alphonso, C. (March 17, 2010). Tory bill proposes publicizing names of violent young offenders. Globe and Mail, p. A4.
  3. Making things worse for young offenders. [Editorial] (March 22, 2010) Montreal Gazette, p. A25.
    Rabson, M. (March 18, 2010) Changes won’t deter youth crime: professor. Winnipeg Free Press, p. A4.
  4. Nunn, D.M. (2006). Spiralling out of control: lessons learned from a boy in trouble: report of the Nunn Commission Inquiry. Province of Nova Scotia. p. 53. Retrieved March 22, 2010 from
  5. Ibid.
  6. Steinberg, L. (2000, April). Youth violence: do parents and families make a difference. National Institute of Justice Journal, p. 38. Retrieved January 14, 2008 from