Why woman won't get the information they need on psychological effects of abortion from the APA
In 2006 the American Psychological Association began a review of new, post- 1989 research on the mental effects of abortion for women. The APA had previously concluded that there was no risk of mental health problems after abortion for most women.
The new APA conclusion says this: “The best scientific evidence indicates that the relative risk of mental health problems among adult women who have an unplanned pregnancy is no greater if they have an elective first-trimester abortion than if they deliver that pregnancy.”1
In coming to this conclusion, the APA did not follow standard scientific practice. The task force report is flawed for the following reasons:
The report should be withdrawn because of its flawed analysis. Future attempts to review the literature should be undertaken differently: A framework should be established, studies should be judged empirically and the results should be replicable by any other group of psychologists.
Download the full report below