(Ottawa) – Today the Governor General delivered the Speech from the Throne, laying out the government’s agenda for the forthcoming session of Parliament. Of note were the 20 separate mentions of family that were made within the speech.
While the details will not be determined until the budget or respective legislation is tabled, we are encouraged by government’s commitment to strengthen the Universal Child Care Benefit for “sole-support, single-parent families.” Dave Quist, Executive Director of the IMFC stated that, “This appears to be the first significant step towards family income splitting.”
The government has also recognized that parents will make the most appropriate decisions for their family and that society’s challenges can best be addressed by local solutions – through non-governmental, charitable and faith groups. “One of the best actions that government can take is to move out of the way of local expertise in addressing the social needs of our communities,” continued Quist.
The release of the Federal Budget on March 4, 2010 will offer further details to the family measures announced in the Speech from the Throne. “I support these efforts by the government to take these family friendly steps, especially as we emerge from this recessionary time,” closed Quist.
For additional information or comment, please contact: Dave Quist, Executive Director at 613-565-3832.